Renowned artist Jacqui Oakley, known for her work inspired by Jane Austen, introduces her enchanting tarot deck. This unique package features 53 characters—such as Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy, and Elinor Dashwood—as well as objects from Austen's novels, including well-trimmed bonnets and stacks of books. Each card serves a dual purpose as both a playing card and a tarot card. Notably, Mr. Wickham from "Pride and Prejudice" is portrayed as the Devil, a teapot symbolizes strength, and Austen herself is depicted as the Magician.
The deck is oversized, sleek, and sophisticated, beautifully housed in a hinged cigar box adorned with foil stamping and secured with a wafer seal. It also includes a booklet that provides a brief overview of tarot and a guide to the cards and the world of Austen, making it an ideal collection for both longtime enthusiasts and new fans alike.